
Showing posts from August, 2017

What does it mean to be an American?

Damien Fraser Ms. Foushee Eng. 3, Hr. 5 30 August 2017 What does it mean to be an American? To me being an American means being respectful and responsible while having freedom. America is the land of the free, but obviously with some responsibility. We have to work to have the things we have the freedom to call ours. We have to understand that everyone does not share the same views/opinions as we do, and we have to respect them for that. But in the end of the day, we have more freedom than people in other countries. Overall we have it good here, but many can and possibly do take it for granted.   Summarize: we take freedom for granted and that we should be respecting and taking full advantage of the freedom given to us and thankful for the opportunities that other countries don’t. Paraphrase: don’t take our freedom that other countries don’t have for granted. You must responsible and respectful of it. Name: Jordin Blackwell

First Blog: What Problem Would I Solve In the World?

The question posed to me was "What problem do you want to solve in the world?"      The problem I would like to solve would be the problem of people not being open-minded or as open-minded as they could be. I choose that problem because I in general do not enjoy the way people act, especially on the internet when they can make up a random name. That and people can be inconsiderate, because no one thinks twice about what they say.     I feel this is necessary to solve because we would have less controversy, and people wouldn't start protests and things of that manner, at least I'd hope so. Steps I feel would be necessary to solve this problem: Talk to people around the world to see where they stand on this problem Find the "problems" within society in this manner Attempt to work those out (If "fail") know that we tried, but society is ever-changing and this may resolve itself. May not resolve itself and we can instill this knowledge on ...