First Blog: What Problem Would I Solve In the World?
The question posed to me was "What problem do you want to solve in the world?"
The problem I would like to solve would be the problem of people not being open-minded or as open-minded as they could be. I choose that problem because I in general do not enjoy the way people act, especially on the internet when they can make up a random name. That and people can be inconsiderate, because no one thinks twice about what they say.
I feel this is necessary to solve because we would have less controversy, and people wouldn't start protests and things of that manner, at least I'd hope so.
Steps I feel would be necessary to solve this problem:
- Talk to people around the world to see where they stand on this problem
- Find the "problems" within society in this manner
- Attempt to work those out
- (If "fail") know that we tried, but society is ever-changing and this may resolve itself. May not resolve itself and we can instill this knowledge on future generations to help them understand why we are trying to stop this.
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