What does it mean to be an American?

Damien Fraser
Ms. Foushee
Eng. 3, Hr. 5
30 August 2017
What does it mean to be an American?
To me being an American means being respectful and responsible while having freedom. America is the land of the free, but obviously with some responsibility. We have to work to have the things we have the freedom to call ours. We have to understand that everyone does not share the same views/opinions as we do, and we have to respect them for that. But in the end of the day, we have more freedom than people in other countries. Overall we have it good here, but many can and possibly do take it for granted.  

Summarize: we take freedom for granted and that we should be respecting and taking full advantage of the freedom given to us and thankful for the opportunities that other countries don’t.

Paraphrase: don’t take our freedom that other countries don’t have for granted. You must responsible and respectful of it.

Name: Jordin Blackwell


  1. I very much agree with you on this. We as Americans are very fortunate to have as much freedom as we do, and every day people take it for granted.


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