Immigration or Child Soldiers? Which Is the More Pressing Issue?

   I feel as though child soldiers would be the more pressing issue. There are valid reasons and reasonable arguments for both sides; however, I choose child soldiers for the following reasons.

  Being an immigrant means you are getting a fresh start, and a new life in a different country. Escaping a harsh reality and finding a better one to reside in. Immigrants come from countries under dictators, kings or rulers of that manner that, in the opinion of the immigrants, are making life hard for them to actually survive. Immigration is essentially like if I were to leave one school because of the way the administration handled situations and went to another school because the way they handled situations was seen as "more fit" for an environment I'd like to be in.

  Child soldiers on the other hand, aren't going from one way of life to another for the purpose of escaping their existing life to find and make a better life somewhere that will encourage and support the idea of it. They don't even choose to go in many cases. Most are kidnapped and threatened into the situation. Threatened to do things they wouldn't want to do, threatened into seeing their friends and themselves risk dying at all times. Threatened into the risk of being at each other's will. Child soldiers want to escape this kind of life at all costs.

  If you compare the two, as much as I'd say I am glad to be neither. I would have to choose to be an immigrant if it came down to leave my life behind or take the chance of risking my life every second,minute,hour,day,week, and even month of my life... if I last that long. That alongside the fact that I would risk seeing people I care for, like my friends get sucked into this kind of life and risk having to see them lose their life or be responsible for them for whatever reasons, even if it was being threatened into it. Which sadly is the harsh reality for some child soldiers.

  In the end, the more pressing issue has to be child soldiers, children no matter what age should be allowed to flourish and grow into the human beings they could and would be without having to go through the trauma and harshness of life as a child soldier. And as bad as either life would be, immigrant life as harsh as that can be, is a much better life in the end.


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